When one alludes to imperial Rome it is common to think about the capital of the ancient Roman empire. But Rome was also the hub from where all decisions on colonial politics were issued in the XIXth and XXth centuries. It is in Rome, from the balcony in Piazza Venezia, that Mussolini declared the birth of the Italian Fascist Empire on the 9th of May 1936. As such, Rome is the Italian city where the traces of colonialism are more evident and more copious. And yet very often invisible, a taken-for-granted part of the urban landscape. Mapping and questioning colonial heritage in the capital city means more than anything to re-discuss Italian history and national identity.
Streets, squares and buildings whose names are related to colonialism
Statues, monuments, commemorative plaques who are related to colonialism
Institutions that themselves or their predecessors were involved in colonialism
Colonial traces in popular and mass culture
Roma: Serena Alessi, Carmen Belmonte, Nikolaos Mavropoulos & Eleonora Sartoni
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molto interessante ma manca il quartiere africano, nel secondo municipio. Tutte le sue vie sono evocative del colonialismo, a partire dalla via principale che è viale Libia ma ci sono anche via Dire Daua, via Tigrè, via Giarabub, Piazza Gondar, via Cirenaica e tante altre.
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